Storyline: 10
Characters: 10
Overall Rating: 10
I actually wanted to watch this anime for a really long time, but somehow I didn't. I don't know why, maybe I just didn't have time for it and when finally I decided to start watching it, my computer broke.... And now I finally got new one and my autumn holiday came, so I decided to marathon few animes and mangas. Mirai Nikki was one of them.
I really loved the storyline. It was quite original and I actually didn't expect most of the plot twists. I never expected that the end would be what it was... I thought that Yuno will kill Yuki or Yuki will realize how messed up Yuno is and kill her first. Well suicide together was a possibility as well. I liked the use of diaries and how each of them had a name, though there was few diaries that I couldn't even understand what they did or why they were called the way they did. I know that most people know this anime for the blood and survival game, but I think it was extremely sad and all that gore and bloodshed came in second place for me. And the end kinda reminded me of Vampire Knight (more precisely the part where Yuki is laying in oblivion with the long hair and all that... That struck me like a scene from straight form VK chapter 63~64). Though don't get me wrong I wasn't happy with the ending. Of course everyone had their own 'happy ending', but I put so much hope that Yuki and Yuno will end up together. It just somehow made me mad.
I couldn't decide if I should give art 10 or 9 because some of the explosions I saw in anime kinda sucked... Exceptionally the one where the tower blew up. But at the end I think I liked the art so I will give it 10. Like I said I won't be picky when it comes to art. Overall I really liked the anime. I didn't read the manga yet, but I hope it's gonna be just as good or even better.
Well I hope I did better job on this review than on the last one.